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The Party branch of Genori Technology carried out the July 1st-themed Party Day activity with the th

2024-07-03 11:52:05

On June 29, 2024, to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, carry forward the Party's fine traditions and styles, stimulate the enthusiasm of the vast number of Party members for loving the Party, the country and working entrepreneurially, and further enhance the Party spirit and the cohesion of the Party organization among Party members, the Party branch of Genori Technology organized all Party members to go to the former site of Guiyuan on Zhongshan 4th Road, Chongqing, to carry out the July 1st-themed Party Day activity with the theme of "Original Aspiration Firm as a Rock, Forging Ahead with Perseverance".


In this place of Guiyuan full of historical charm, the Party members of the branch followed the footsteps of the commentator and visited each building and exhibition room one by one to gain an in-depth understanding of the revolutionary history and the profoundness of the red culture of Guiyuan. This was once the residence of General Zhang Zhizhong and was also the place that witnessed the signing of an important event in modern Chinese history, the "Double Tenth Agreement". It became famous all over the world because it was closely linked to the Chongqing Negotiations in August 1945.


Through the cultural relics and pictures displayed in the museum, the restoration of the original appearance of the rooms, and the rich video materials, we deeply felt the extraordinary courage and wisdom demonstrated by the revolutionary martyrs for the future of the country and the well-being of the people. At the same time, it also made us more firmly realize that the Communist Party of China has always adhered to the lofty mission and great vision of seeking happiness for the people and rejuvenation for the nation.


"With faith in heart, there is strength underfoot!" As the People's Republic of China ushers in its 75th anniversary, this year is crucial for the implementation of the 14th Five-Year Plan and the comprehensive implementation of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

Through this themed Party Day activity, the Genori Technology branch followed the footsteps of revolutionary martyrs, felt the profound sense of historical responsibility and mission, and their love for the Party and the country became even more passionate. They are determined to adhere to their beliefs, inherit the fine traditions of revolutionary martyrs, base themselves on their own positions, actively plan for development, transform the achievements of this study into the driving force for promoting the development of new-quality productive forces and high-quality progress of the company, jointly promote the in-depth integration of Party building and business, and move towards a new chapter of high-quality development in the new era hand in hand, and jointly create a bright future.
